Friday, May 15, 2009

Blogging It Up

So, I guess this is like a second beginning to this blog o' mine. Or maybe the real beginning!
Life is good!

I have a new job! But this evening, I found myself missing The 23rd Floor. That was a great job and my girls were the best. We had a great time. The Davis County Fair is fab in it's own way, but I don't know if I'll ever have a job like The 23rd Floor again. But it's fine organizing entertainment and trying to find new stuff to put into the fair. And so far they like me and they think I'm doing a good job!

Josh is keepin' it real at POUNDCAKE'S! GO THERE! The food is great!!!

I just read The Lovely Bones and I highly recommend it! I couldn't put it down. Recently I've also read Revolutionary Road, The Secret Life of Bees, and The Reader. Do you know notice a theme here? All of these have been made into movies, and even the Lovely Bones is going to come out in theaters in December. Do I know how to pick 'em or what?

On that note Star Trek was GREAT! But I am sad that I forgot to wear my Star Trek shirt. Maybe I'll just wear it tomorrow for kicks. The movie is over 2 hours, but it just flew by, and I never found myself thinking "When is this gonna end?" That, my friends, is the sign of a great movie.
Now, I must indulge in my guilty pleasure: 90210.

"Loving you is easy cuz your beautiful..."


  1. Hey M-Dawg! It has been too long since we've seen each other. I'm not visiting Utah until December. *sigh* Missing you!

  2. MEGS! I totally agree about never having a job like the 23rd Floor again! I worked my first event the other night and by the end I was texting You girls and Calan telling ya'll how much I miss you! (p.s. there really is no chef like Calan! My new one is mean and snaped at me for asking things and there is no Megs to try to sneaks food from the kitchen with!)

    I love you girl! I am so happy about your new job!! :)CONGRATS!
