Thursday, September 10, 2009

The Classics

I just enjoyed one of my favorite meals: A tuna melt and butternut squash soup! My love for tuna melts goes waaaay back (holla at my favorite cousing Emily) and my love affair with butternut squash soup started just last year. Pretty much I love anything that has to do with my friends in the squash family, including, but not limited to fried zuccinni (so far Cheesecake Factory has the best), sweet potato fries, pumpkin chocolate chip cookies, & PUMPKIN SPICE HO CHO! Yes, the fall season is upon us and I can't wait! Here is a photo depicting my love for sqaush & twinkly lights:

Another classic in my life: ONE TREE HILL! I know I've already expressed my deep love for this show, but just so you know, the love really runs deep. And I absolutely cannot wait for the season premiere this coming Monday! I LOVE Brooke, but I know that I am going to miss my homies Peyton and Lucas. Oh, Chad Michael Murray.
The 2009 Davis County Fair was, well, CLASSIC! =) After all of the buildup and preparations, the fair was GREAT! And thanks to all my wonderful friends and famiy who came and supported me! I REALLY appreciated it-- even though I looked like a chicken running around with their head cut off. This year was the most successful fair ever, and they want me to be a bigger part of next year's fair. We're already planning some stuff, and all I can say is SHARKS and hopefully hawaiian shirts. =) Here's a little smattering of the fair magic:

<--Holla and Posh: lookin fierce.

Still can't believe I let this happen to me.
I understand why Britney Spears looked a little awkward during the one VMA performance, oh so long ago. ;)

One main source of stress: Davis County's Got Talent! But it went really well and my Dad was a great host. We're doing it again next year!

Another Megan project-- the gameshow! It was called The Big Deal: Take It or Leave It and the crowd really got into it! And don't my briefcases and game board look so great?! I'm pretty proud of this one!

These looks of love are brought to you by Flan & Me. Always a good time with my Flanny Clan!

These are the guys I work with! They are quite entertaining.

And this is my FAVORITE picture from the fair! Thanks to Josh for being a good sport. =)

It's crazy to think that the fair was just a month ago. I'm so glad it went well and I'm glad they like me! This job has been great, and hopefully it will continue to get better so I can actually keep it. =)

We went on a fun VEGAS trip over the weekend! I do enjoy that place and it really does feel like you just let loose when you go down there. I'm okay with that. If you need a kickstart to your night there, just go on the roller coaster at New York New York. I was looney and tons of fun after we went on that.
Overall, it was a magical trip.
We even saw this lady there! The ultimate classic. On that note: HOLLA!

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