Sunday, October 23, 2011

Friends Forever

I wrote this several weeks ago, intending it for blog publication... so here it is! Just spreading the love. And whilst you read this, I hope that you are singing, "Friends forever, always we'll be friends, talking 'bout friends forever..." from my beloved Saved by the Bell. (**If you don't know it, look it up!**)

I am grateful for good friends. I have so many good friends that I don't get to see very often. I think the beautiful thing about friendship is that it lasts over space and time.
I like that you don't have to see someone everyday in order for them to be qualified as your "best friend." I know that most of my friends see their other friends a lot more than they see me, but they still keep a special place for me in their heart. And they always make me feel that way. What a great thing!
As I've gotten older, I've realized how hard it can be to make friends. When you're a kid, it's easy! When you're an adult, I feel like it can be difficult to "click" with someone. It's harder to find that same connection that you have with some of your oldest friends, and that can be sad. You just don't get to take your favorite people with you wherever you go. Although, I wish this was the case. If my life was a sitcom, I would have a great cast of characters. :) You know who you are!
Lovey loves, 


  1. I have already looked at these pictures two or three times, because they all look like so much fun! Every picture has people I love in it, but especially you!

  2. <3 I love this post. You are lucky to have such a great group of people but we are especially blessed to have YOU!!! <3

    Thanks for being my friend!!
