Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Say You Wanna Revolution?

I have had a life revolution. Or revelation? How about both! My lovely mother-in-law sent us this "Change Your Brain Change Your Body" DVD after we talked about it at Thanksgiving, and I am in love. In love with Dr. Amen and in love with changing my BRAIN! And my body, too. :)

So, what I'm saying is, go read, watch, or listen to some Dr. Amen. I've been watching calories and working out a lot more recently, which I think might make all this Amen stuff a little easier to take. I'm not saying I'll never eat cake again, because that would be a joke, but I'm definitely improving what I eat. Cucumbers or bell peppers instead of tortilla chips? You got it! Simple changes like that can really change your life, and prolong your life. It's all about high quality calories in-- and I am all for it!

I think this is the perfect time in my life for this. In the past, I have been too quick to give in and indulge. Now, I have time to think about what I am putting in my body, and I actually do care! I have had way too many low self-esteem pitfalls, and I'm over it! In the past few months I have really surprised myself-- at work I have turned down free cake, a chocolate chip muffin, and other goodies. I KNOW! Can you believe it?! Just one of the few signs that I am ready for a life change.

So I'm taking fish oil (odorless! holla!) and vitamin D (sunshine in a supplement... Utah is too drab these days) and eating the rainbow (squash, berries, spinach, bananas, etc.). I'm continuing to workout, and I got a yoga DVD at the library yesterday. I think I need to de-stress a little more.

I am loving this revolution and I am loving the changes in my own thought processes. I am glad that I can change and improve.

And on that note, here is my theme for 2011:

"Your life is your own, to develop or to destroy. You can blame others little and yourself almost totally if that life is not a productive, worthy, full, and abundant one. Others can assist or hinder you, but the responsibility is yours and you can make it great, mediocre, or a failure."
-Spencer w Kimball


  1. I'm loving it! I am so impressed with you, and totally inspired, too! I've never heard of "Change Your Brain, Change Your Body," but it sounds like it has some good stuff.

  2. You are awesome, Megz. Your enthusiasm is infectious, I am glad to live near you. ;)

    Btw, I am borrowing your quote. It is just what we needed around here.

    Thanks as always.

  3. Wow--very good thoughts. I've heard of Dr. Amen, but haven't done any real study...you've motivated me. Great quote by Pres. Kimball too!
    PS, I love the new blog lay out.
